Sunday 9 June 2013

Candaian Tire Jumpstart

Canadian Tire is not only a retail power house; they are also a responsible corporate citizen and are involved in the local community around them. The Canadian Tire Jumpstart program was originally launched in 1999 as the Canadian Tire Foundation for Families. It was created to help families in need to get life’s basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, and other essential goods. The Foundation for Families had donated over $28 million dollars to help Canadians before it evolved into Jumpstart in 2005. Jumpstart’s main focus was the inactivity in children and the fact that many families could not afford the high cost of organized sports.

According to Vision Critical (2011), one in three Canadian families cannot afford to put their child in organized sports. Jumpstart’s aim is to help these families in need to pay for the rising costs associated with sports like registration, equipment, and transportation. Through organized sports, they hope that children can gain self-confidence, self-esteem, and leadership skills to last a life time. “We see it as equipping kids for life, because participation in organized sport and recreation increases a child’s chance for success in life.” There are currently 332 local chapters involved in the program who are staffed by volunteers. They work closely with other local non-profit organizations to help identify families who could use the support of the program. Children between the ages of 4 to 18 can gain funding and there are currently 73 sports and recreation activities funded including: hockey, swimming, soccer, basketball, dance, yoga, climbing and martial arts.

So far, over 540,000 Canadian kids have had the chance to play in organized sports thanks to the Jumpstart program. Canadian Tire retail stores hold Jumpstart Days to help fundraise and the stores always have donation boxes where you can give your CT money. This year there will also be a “Pedal for Kids” campaign hoping to raise $200k where partners and employees will ride 500km from Hinton to Calgary. In 2014 they will again be summiting Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for the program with a goal of $300k. Canadian Tire Corporation also funds all general and administrative costs as well as the program delivery so that 100% of all donations can go directly to the program. Canadian Tire is truly a proud community ambassador. Do you know anyone who has used the Jumpstart program? Does knowing a company supports a charity make you more likely to shop there?

To donate to the Jumpstart program clickhere

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