Tuesday 16 July 2013

Olympic Partnership

We all remember when Roots had the contract for the Olympic apparel, and then they were beat out by The Hudson Bay Company where we all get our trademark red mittens for the Olympics. Now, Canadian Tire has gotten in on the action with a partnership with HBC, and they are excited at what is to come.

HBC will retain the current deal that have with the Canadian Olympic Committee to be the outfitter of the Canadian Olympic team, providing them with the outfits for the opening and closing ceremonies and podium as well as continuing to sell the branded red mittens, scarves and hoodies in their stores. CT will be the high performance clothing provider selling a new line of more than 70 Adidas products with the Olympic logo in their Sport Check and other sports stores. HBC has a contract with the COC until 2020 and CT has snagged an 8 year contract. CT currently has partnerships with Canada Games, Canadian Sports Hall of Fame, the National Hockey League, and NASCAR so this is a great addition to their already impressive list.

CT is also looking to help amateur athletes every step of the way. “From playground to podium, we will play a role in helping Canadian families and amateur athletes succeed,” says Stephen Wetmore, President and CEO, CTC, Limited. “From learning to play, loving the game and competing to win, everyday sport in Canada depends on us. Whether it’s parents teaching their children how to skate on a backyard rink or supporting Canadian athletes pursuing dreams of Olympic gold, sport has the power to unite families, communities and the entire nation.” This is evident in their continuing commitment to their Jumpstart charity which helps underprivileged kids play organized sports. They are taking it one step further now with the Olympic contract and putting in place a national employment program for amateur athletes. They will soon have a website where athletes with rigorous training schedules can find a job across CT’s 1700 retail outlets and corporate offices that will accommodate their schedule.

CT plans on year round Olympic themed advertising instead of keeping it to every two years when the Olympics are running. “There’s no reason you can’t do a kitchen spot with athletes talking about healthy living and healthy eating. There’s no reason why you can’t do an outdoor yard spot with two guys competing on who’s going to have a better lawn,” said Duncan Fulton, head of communications for CT and chief marketing officer at Forzani Group. CTC has already signed advertising contracts with seven Olympic athletes, and some of these athletes have already appeared in commercials for Sport Check this year.

You can look forward to the Adidas line of high performance jackets, fleeces, long- and short-sleeved t-shirts, hair bands and more with the Olympic symbol showing up in stores as soon as November 7th this year. Let’s hope Team Canada can “Own the Podium” at next year’s Winter Games in Sochi, Russia! How many medals do you think Canada will get?


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