Thursday 11 July 2013

Print/Online Advertising

Canadian Tire has one of the oldest and most widely distributed print flyers in Canada. Although many stores have moved to the internet for the majority of their advertising, CT knows that many customers still prefer reading through a paper flyer rather than an online one. CT still relies heavily on print media, including in store displays to promote business due to the nature and expectation of their main customer (i.e. older, family oriented, etc).

CT is also looking to retain current female customer as well as gain new ones with their advertising. They anticipated that many women would be interested in Target coming to Canada so they put more money into ads in glossy magazines and developed their online presence (women are disproportionately active users of Facebook and Pinterest). 

Canadian Tire is moving with the times and has developed a very strong social media presence (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). CT recently unveiled a digital catalogue which is a first of its kind for a mass retailer and will evolve to sell products too.  And not only can you view, research and review CT products on-line, you can also set-up notifications to your e-mail for products that you are interested in as they go on sale so that you ensure getting the best deal. Canadian Tire’s website is the most visited retailer site in Canada and they have one of the strongest app’s in the market (much stronger than Wal-Mart, Sears, etc.). They are also doing a lot of work with Google to promote online searchability and advertising.

All in all, Canadian Tire has a very successful marketing and advertising campaign. How do you feel about print catalogs and flyers? Would you rather have a hard copy to flip through, or an online version and save a tree?

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